Hi everyone! I am sorry I have not posted anything in a while. I am very busy with school. I just want to share some pictures of my birthday mini treats from Paris miniatures, from my friend Yukari from Japan and from my friend Kim Saulter from California. I want to welcome my new followers: Emma from Paris miniatures, Mini kitchen, Michelle, Ingrid, Teresa Martinez, Dora, Jody, and Margarita Vives. I want to thank all my blog friends that always leave beautiful comments.
The fruit tarts were made by Kim Saulter, she also filled the tea sets. All these will be part of a future project. The "Mad hatter tea party". Kim's tarts look so good to eat! Thanks Kim for the extra gifts.
The French pastries on the pink table were made by Emma from Paris miniatures. She also send me a really cute birthday cup cake with the tiniest birthday candle. Thanks Emma! These pastries will go in another bakery that I am working on.
The most beautiful and tiny flowers I have seen in miniature were made by a very talented Japanese artist and friend Yukary.
All these beautiful plants will go in my conservatory that is almost finished.